К основному контенту

31 октября - 1 ноября А у нас HALLOWEEN

We sang:
It's Halloween! It's Halloween! The moon is full and bright!
And we shall see what can't be seen On any other night!

We pronounced that terrible tongue twister:Ned Nott was shot and Sam Shott was not.
So it is better to be Shott than Nott.
Some say Nott was not shot.
But Shott says he shot Nott ...

And we told some GHOST STORIES, for example this one:Last night as Kit was discussing the current financial crisis, he suddenly saw a ghost outside the window! Frightened, he called Dinah, who was trying to find several lost parts of her stand at the time. Being busy, she couldn't come over. In a panic, Kit ran over to Olaf's house shouting, "I've just seen a ghost!" Olaf, who was trying to recall some English Vocabulary, stopped what he was doing and tried to calm Kit down as he listened to Kit's story. "Let's investigate," suggested Olaf.
As they were walking briskly down the street, they passed by Norma, as she was trying to find smb to help. They laughed at her for wasting time that way. On their way they stopped at Shirley's house. They found Terry too. Shirley was chattering to Pat and writing smth while Terry was looking for her colleagues. They stopped what they were doing and joined Kit and Olaf. Finally, all of them arrived at Kit's house. They investigated the area outside the window where Kit had seen the ghost. They discovered a sheet that had blown off the clothesline and become lodged in a bush outside the window. Because of the wind, the sheet was moving, and it looked as though it was a ghost waving its arms. Embarrassed, Kit joined the laughter of the others.

Let's have fun together!
As U understand we trained PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE. Before class make a copy of the Ghost Story and ask your students to find out what others were doing at a certain time last night. They should remember to use the past continuous tense. Fill out the Ghost Story putting the names of the students and their activities.
настроение: Веселое


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