Вчера состоялась первая встреча в новом учебном году Английского Клуба при нашей «Школе Инесс Бугуан». Было приятно видеть, что пришли не только выпускники школы предыдущих лет, но и те, кто только что присоединился к процессу обучения и стал заниматься в «Business» группе. Во второй половине встречи мы смотрели фильм «Atonement» / «Искупление» http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atonement_(film) , а темой дискуссии стала МАГИЯ. Для тех, кто не смог провести этот вечер с нами, привожу некоторые её фрагменты.
* One of my friends went to an astrologist। She wanted to know her future for the next year. Do you believe in magic? Why do people want to know their future?
* I have got some pictures for you। All these people are famous magicians. Let’s see if you know these people. Match the pictures with the names. Do your know some of their biography? You may work with your partner.
* Vocabulary set in stone (adj)/ A prophecy/ To predict/ A medium(This person has the power to communicate with the spirits of the dead or with agents of another world or dimension।)
* Free Practice – Critical Thinking Look at the five opinions। Choose 2 or 3 of them and discuss।
During your discussing, answer the following questions:Do you agree to these opinions? Why did you agree? Did some personal experience help you to do it?
1 I am scared of what a fortune-teller might say to me। I fear to get in contact with mediums. I’m just not ready for that.2 I think that whenever we get a fortune-teller predicted it is only what MIGHT happen। We can change anything and everything in our world.3 The end is we all die। But how we get there is the challenge. So, I wish I knew the future!4 Whatever a "fortune teller" tells you is only a possibility। I do not believe that the future is 'set in stone'.5 I mean a person could take actions to try to avoid a certain prediction and it could be those very actions that cause the events to happen।
* Next time you see a fortune-teller on the street; will you ask her about your future?
* One of my friends went to an astrologist। She wanted to know her future for the next year. Do you believe in magic? Why do people want to know their future?
* I have got some pictures for you। All these people are famous magicians. Let’s see if you know these people. Match the pictures with the names. Do your know some of their biography? You may work with your partner.
* Vocabulary set in stone (adj)/ A prophecy/ To predict/ A medium(This person has the power to communicate with the spirits of the dead or with agents of another world or dimension।)
* Free Practice – Critical Thinking Look at the five opinions। Choose 2 or 3 of them and discuss।
During your discussing, answer the following questions:Do you agree to these opinions? Why did you agree? Did some personal experience help you to do it?
1 I am scared of what a fortune-teller might say to me। I fear to get in contact with mediums. I’m just not ready for that.2 I think that whenever we get a fortune-teller predicted it is only what MIGHT happen। We can change anything and everything in our world.3 The end is we all die। But how we get there is the challenge. So, I wish I knew the future!4 Whatever a "fortune teller" tells you is only a possibility। I do not believe that the future is 'set in stone'.5 I mean a person could take actions to try to avoid a certain prediction and it could be those very actions that cause the events to happen।
* Next time you see a fortune-teller on the street; will you ask her about your future?
настроение: Довольное
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